Andy are you goofing on Elvis?

If you've been waiting to read a portion from my upcoming book The Dad Rock That Made Me a Woman, today is your lucky day! Big thanks to Luke O'Neil and his incredible newsletter Welcome To Hell World for featuring an excerpt, an essay featuring one of my favourite R.E.M songs, and the origin story of my fear of water. Read it at Welcome To Hell World here .
You can pre-order The Dad Rock That Made Me a Woman anywhere you buy books! Pre-orders are a HUGE help for any author, but especially for a debut! Every little bit helps!
I hope you have a chance to read this excerpt, and I hope that all of these anxious and dreadful feelings fade into the background as we find new ways to keep going. I'm planning a book tour despite how terrifying it feels to think about travelling to America to read about transness. The thought of it, the fear of it all, the uncertainty has all been affecting me deeply this week, among so many other fears. Maybe that's it though. Maybe the fear is the point. I have no good answers, but I hope to see people and read with you in person and talk about how this all felt in the rearview.
Until then, here's a 10 hour loop of the song that is bringing me back down to myself whenever I lost too much to anxious worrying